Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The Week Gone By...

It was a very hectic week but wonderful as I achieved whatever I wanted to in the short time I had as I could not leave Sydney for long due to Dad's illness & my work commitments. Finally, I setup operations in Mumbai, spent some time with my team members and equipped them with all the necessary tools that I believe will ensure that they can be productive and contribute to Hitek Australia's developments.
On the personal front, it was nostalgic to be back in Mumbai after twenty years and to see the changes over the past two decades. Mumbai monsoon were in full swing with rains lashing the city.
It was also wonderful to spend some great time with the Suris & special thanks to them for their fine hospitality all through my stay.
Romal & her team took lots of efforts to ensure my office was ready in time for my visit & I don't have enough words to thank her for everything.
I had Dad at the back of my mind but was happy to be able to speak with him almost every day. Mum & I spoke every day which was comforting. Thanks to Sanjeev & family for looking after Mum in my absence.
I am blessed to have great friends.... This is what I thought as I was flying back home..
It was a successful trip on all counts and I am happy to have achieved whatever I have thru this short trip and to see Dad getting better with each passing day.
I will post some pictures later...

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