Saturday, 4 June 2011

Dad's Update...

Dad's definitely improving. He's definitely now simply frustrated to be sick for such a long period but I think the worst is over. I can understand his predicament but the surgery seems to have done him good. He walked with Mum & me around the whole ward today. He's down to 58kgs but will only get stronger hereafter through tender love & care & the team of doctors's charter that's been chalked out for him.
He also had blood transfusion today which will kick up his haemoglobin from 78 to more acceptable limits and do his general well being real good.
I am confident Dad will be better and will bounce back to his normal self in due course of time.
He is generally cheerful though missing a few near & dear ones as these are the times when one really needs them not just in thoughts & prayers but by communicating and sharing some time with him.
My sincere thanks to all who did find time off their busy schedule...

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