Tuesday, 24 May 2011

The Silent Hero - Sanjay

Sanjay has handled matters extremely well with regards to Dad's health be it in India, England and now Australia connecting extremely well with the specialists & consultants and making life so much easier for not only Dad but for all of us.

Today, Sanjay is off to Rotterdam for a surgical conference and spoke with Mum & Me, earlier this morning, apprising us of Dad's development in normalspeak and not doctorspeak based on his communication with us & the Team of Doctors.
It is indeed reassuring for us to hear from Sanjay and mostly for Dad as he sometimes tells the Doctors to consult Sanjay and they have no such inhibitions in either calling Sanjay which is comforting to all of us as Sanjay has struck a good rapport with the Consultants & their team.
We thought we'd just let you know that you're a great brother, wonderful son & and of course an excellent Colorectal Surgeon, globetrotting, presenting surgical papers & attending conferences doing us all proud... Before Riya gets upset I must add a great father and husband too :)

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