Friday, 20 May 2011

Dad's Surgery Update..

I believe when you follow your heart things work your way... Well thats what happened today, as if you read from my previous post, Dad had a much better day today. Firstly his bowels moved. The team of doctors sighed with relief to hear the news and so did we to see a smile on their faces. He had to go to the angiography department to get tubes inserted thru to his heart as his arms were bruised from IV pricks as the sides needed to be changed every 3 days as per hospital protocol. They also took another x-ray to see if all was well inside the abdomen. He was made to sit for two hours on a chair and though he wasnt too comfortable I thought it was good for him.
Later in the evening he asked me to buy him a copy of the Time Magazine which I promptly did and he tried to read it for some time discussing an article about Osama's Operation.
He was slightly disoriented in the morning though and for some reason thought he was in Chandigarh but joked about it later in the evening.
The doctors believe that the nasal tube which is going into the ilieum will be removed tomorrow if all goes well in the next 12 hours. Fingers crossed yet again as we look forward to the small steps in the right direction looking at all the positives as he meanders his way back to some sort of normalcy.

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