Sunday, 29 August 2010

Wooohooooo! Dad came home for the weekend!

Sanjay braved it & brought Dad home for the weekend. I felt ecstatic speaking with him and we had a wonderful chat.. I am so happy that today I will be going to the temple for the first time in years to thank god for the same!

Love the lyrics & the way James Blunt sings in the video..

These are a few of my favourite things....

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Caught up with some friends in India..

It was wonderful to catch up with some friends in India and get an update on what's happening there. Some of my friends shared some valuable stories with me which made us laugh! It was fun & nice to see how cleverly some people protect themselves?
Depending on how Dad progresses, I do intend to plan a trip to India later this year which will be really good.. to be amidst family & friends & meet with some naval officers & their families...   :) 

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Mid week update..

It's been a great week from the work perspective. I have been working hard and theres lots to do but thats the fun part of doing what you enjoy most & for me IT is my passion!
Kanika got a commendation in Maths Hons this weekwhich was great to hear. She's been studying in the library after work every afternoon which is great.She's got basketball today & is one of the better players in her team & fun to watch.
On a personal front I have decided to curb my natural instincts & will focus on rebuilding my life on a strong foundation of trust, love & respect with someone who loves me for what I am.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

As China and India rise in tandem, their relationship will shape world politics. Shame they do not get on better

A HUNDRED years ago it was perhaps already possible to discern the rising powers whose interaction and competition would shape the 20th century. The sun that shone on the British empire had passed midday. Vigorous new forces were flexing their muscles on the global stage, notably America, Japan and Germany. Their emergence brought undreamed-of prosperity; but also carnage on a scale hitherto unimaginable.

Now digest the main historical event of this week: China has officially become the world’s second-biggest economy, overtaking Japan. In the West this has prompted concerns about China overtaking the United States sooner than previously thought. But stand back a little farther, apply a more Asian perspective, and China’s longer-term contest is with that other recovering economic behemoth: India. These two Asian giants, which until 1800 used to make up half the world economy, are not, like Japan and Germany, mere nation states. In terms of size and population, each is a continent—and for all the glittering growth rates, a poor one.

Not destiny, but still pretty important

India and China: A Himalayan rivalry

This is uncharted territory that should be seen in terms of decades, not years. Demography is not destiny. Nor for that matter are long-range economic forecasts from investment banks. Two decades ago Japan was seen as the main rival to America. Countries as huge and complicated as China can underachieve or collapse under their own contradictions. In the short term its other foreign relationships may matter more, even in Asia: there may, for instance, be a greater risk of conflict between rising China and an ageing but still powerful Japan. Western powers still wield considerable influence.

So caveats abound. Yet as the years roll forward, the chances are that it will increasingly come down once again to the two Asian giants facing each other over a disputed border (see article). How China and India manage their own relationship will determine whether similar mistakes to those that scarred the 20th century disfigure this one.

Neither is exactly comfortable in its skin. China’s leaders like to portray Western hype about their country’s rise as a conspiracy—a pretext either to offload expensive global burdens onto the Middle Kingdom or to encircle it. Witness America’s alliances with Japan and South Korea, its legal obligation to help Taiwan defend itself and its burgeoning friendships with China’s rivals, notably India but also now Vietnam.

This paranoia is overdone. Why shouldn’t more be asked from a place that, as well as being the world’s most-populous country, is already its biggest exporter, its biggest car market, its biggest carbon-emitter and its biggest consumer of energy (a rank China itself, typically, contests)? As for changing the balance of power, the People’s Liberation Army’s steady upgrading of its technological capacity, its building of a blue-water navy and its fast-developing skills in outer space and cyberspace do not yet threaten American supremacy, despite alarm expressed this week about the opacity of the PLA’s plans in a Pentagon report. But China’s military advances do unnerve neighbours and regional rivals. Recent weeks have seen China fall out with South Korea (as well as the West) over how to respond to the sinking in March, apparently by a North Korean torpedo, of a South Korean navy ship. And the Beijing regime has been at odds with South-East Asian countries over its greedy claim to almost all of the South China Sea.
India, too, is unnerved. Its humiliation at Chinese hands in a brief war nearly 50 years ago still rankles. A tradition of strategic mistrust of China is deeply ingrained. India sees China as working to undermine it at every level: by pre-empting it in securing supplies of the energy both must import; through manoeuvres to block a permanent seat for India on the United Nations Security Council; and, above all, through friendships with its smaller South Asian neighbours, notably Pakistan. India also notes that China, after decades of setting their border quarrels to one side in the interests of the broader relationship, has in recent years hardened its position on the disputes in Tibet and Kashmir that in 1962 led to war. This unease has pushed India strategically closer to America—most notably in a controversial deal on nuclear co-operation.

Autocrats in Beijing are contemptuous of India for its messy, indecisive democracy. But they must see it as a serious long-term rival—especially if it continues to tilt towards America. As recently as the early 1990s, India was as rich, in terms of national income per head. China then hurtled so far ahead that it seemed India could never catch up. But India’s long-term prospects now look stronger. While China is about to see its working-age population shrink (see article), India is enjoying the sort of bulge in manpower which brought sustained booms elsewhere in Asia. It is no longer inconceivable that its growth could outpace China’s for a considerable time. It has the advantage of democracy—at least as a pressure valve for discontent. And India’s army is, in numbers, second only to China’s and America’s: it has 100,000 soldiers in disputed Arunachal Pradesh (twice as many as America will soon have in Iraq). And because India does not threaten the West, it has powerful friends both on its own merits and as a counterweight to China.
A settlement in time
The prospect of renewed war between India and China is, for now, something that disturbs the sleep only of virulent nationalists in the Chinese press and retired colonels in Indian think-tanks. Optimists prefer to hail the $60 billion in trade the two are expected to do with each other this year (230 times the total in 1990). But the 20th century taught the world that blatantly foreseeable conflicts of interest can become increasingly foreseeable wars with unforeseeably dreadful consequences. Relying on prosperity and more democracy in China to sort things out thus seems unwise. Two things need to be done.

First, the slow progress towards a border settlement needs to resume. The main onus here is on China. It has the territory it really wants and has maintained its claim to Arunachal Pradesh only as a bargaining chip. It has, after all, solved intractable boundary quarrels with Russia, Mongolia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Surely it cannot be so difficult to treat with India?

That points to a second, deeper need, one that it took Europe two world wars to come close to solving: emerging Asia’s lack of serious institutions to bolster such deals. A regional forum run by the Association of South-East Asian Nations is rendered toothless by China’s aversion to multilateral diplomacy. Like any bully, it prefers to pick off its antagonists one by one. It would be better if China and India—and Japan—could start building regional forums to channel their inevitable rivalries into collaboration and healthy competition.

Globally, the rules-based system that the West set up in the second half of the 20th century brought huge benefits to emerging powers. But it reflects an out-of-date world order, not the current global balance, let alone a future one. China and India should be playing a bigger role in shaping the rules that will govern the 21st century. That requires concessions from the West. But it also requires commitment to a rules-based international order from China and India. A serious effort to solve their own disagreements is a good place to start.

One of My favourite recipes!

Pls replace beef with Lamb Shanks....

Monday, 23 August 2010

Interesting work at a corporate client..

Started the day with a nice chat with Sanjay who gave me a lot of reassurance about Dad & an update on his health.
I designed a network of four servers and 50 odd computers and to circumvent speed & data pack loss issues decided go with fiberoptic connectivity between the two swicthes. Looking forward to establish fiberoptic connectivity between two networks tomorrow.
Made a proposal for Ford Motors & drafted an MOU for a Joint Venture Partnership. Nick did some good work too. I hope his Mum gets well soon..
It's delightful tuesday tomorrow & hoping things work in my favour!

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Weekend in a nutshell..

Went out on saturday for lunch to Frango's and Kanika had a Portugese Chicken Burger. Later strolled thru Harvey Norman, JB Hifi & The Good Guys. Had Wendy's Ice cream.
Kanika had arranged with Anjali to go to Manly as she had a geography assignment to do & I was the driver & photographer.We came back & had Chinese for dinner at Golden Lake.

Sunday morning was spent tidying up the house. We went out to DFO with Anjali & Tiana in the afternoon as Kanika wanted to buy a birthday dress but ended up buying some clothes instead.
Had a quiet dinner at home and organised stuff for the coming week. Might watch the India-Sri Lanka match tonight..It was nice to speak with Mum & Sanjay which I do everyday since Dad has been in hospital. I spoke with Dad yesterday & will be speaking with him tonight again!

Friday, 20 August 2010

Developments this week!

Another hectic week comes to an end. Picked up some network redesign & a  new server installation including NAS Storage & off site backup solution for Ford Motors. Did some work for Smithfield RSL too. Feel a lot lot more secure now as I got income protection & business insurance done for 10 million dollars. Got all the public liability, keyman insurance, burglary, contents, tools & equipment sorted out too.
Brekkie tomorrow at Top Ryde joining Gareth McCray & my other friends as there's a Radio Roadshow on at the newly opened Top Ryde Shopping Centre..
Nice to know Dad's spending time in the gym and having physio gaining strength day by day. It must be really tough on Mum & Sanjay... Take Care xx   

Hitek Australia moves on...

Hitek Australia will be converted into a full fledged limited company wef 1st October 2010 from a sole trader status right now. Rajiv Chaudhri Family Trust will be incorporated too. This is a part of the growth plan & vision statement envisaged with a full fledged swanky new website & a Web Consulting team joining us to ensure we work on the software aspect of IT. We will be developing apps for Iphone & Ipad & working on creativity & Branding with a consultant with over 10 years experience joining us.
Watch out for the new developments! Just another dream... I did it in England... Then in India & now in Australia! Wish me luck as this one's for Dad!

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

What My Stars Say???

Aries, take a bow. You're the first sign of the zodiac so it shouldn't come as any surprise then that you’re a born leader. You shine brightly, taking the initiative in everything you do and people see that in you immediately. There are no half-measures with you.
Remember the moon landing? Neil Armstrong was an Aries like you and the first to boldly go where no man had gone before. You have that same fearlessness and certainly aren't afraid to explore the unknown in life.
You’re lively, energetic and daring, and a fighter too. You crave adventure, and love to travel the world. You're a pioneer, and have the ability to lead. People admire your independence and freedom of expression in everything you do.
You could opt for work where you are your own boss, because you hate being told what to do. You know how to make your own decisions and create your own destiny. There might be plenty of stress in treading this path but at least it’s pressure on your own terms.
Achieving your goals is important to you. You know exactly what you want, and have no problem going after your goals. Your style is brisk, edgy and uncompromising. People who associate with you soon learn that they have to keep up — if they don’t, they'll soon fall by the wayside.
You have an instinctive understanding of what has to be done. There’s no procrastination in your manner- you hate laziness. You accept all experiences as a challenge, something to be jumped into with passion and excitement. It's all one big learning curve for an Aries.
You have ample confidence and self-assurance. These characteristics are at the heart of your nature and are among your greatest strengths. Just remember that sometimes this comes across as being overly assertive, perhaps even self-centred.
Your freedom-loving spirit means you like having space to get on with your work on your own terms. This can make it hard for you to be at your best in a team environment — some people misinterpret your energy and focus as insensitivity, even rudeness. You could try to make an effort, when you are working in a group, to let your co-workers see your unselfish and non-egotistical side.
You always prefer to get on with the job rather than to sitting around waiting for something to happen. This means that you are a little impatient with people who work at a slower pace. You can counteract this by remembering to relax and focus on some give and take — this will be an important challenge and life lesson for you.
You are impulsive yet will come up with all sorts of brilliant ideas. Occasionally however, you will occasionally get things wrong, too. Luckily, you aren’t afraid of making mistakes and learning your life lessons the hard way. (There’s Aries' fearlessness kicking in again!)
All these traits that reflect tons of energy, enthusiasm and confidence but you are also misunderstood by others. Some will say you are tactless and indifferent when they offer you advice. From your point of view, it’s a matter of remembering that not everyone is as quick-witted and capable as you; just be aware that you need to be gentle and patient when dealing with weakness or slowness in others.
It would be a good idea to pay more attention to detail, rather than just focusing on the big picture, which is what you instinctively do — this would help bring out your talents.
Try to accommodate the different types of people you have to deal with. If you can learn to balance your patience and sensitivity with your courage and determination, you will discover your life can be magically transformed and spiritualised.
In this life you are destined to take on a leadership position. Remember, that while you are tackling your responsibilities, you are also setting an example for others.
If you can tap into the gentler and cooler side of your character, it will temper your passion and energy superbly, and you will be much loved and looked up to by family, friends and work associates.
You were born between 31 March and 10 April, it makes you a proud and extremely loyal person. You also have traces of the other fire sign, Leo, in your make-up. You’re one of the brighter fireflies in the Aries camp and attract people very easily.
You also impose your will on others, almost magically, without their opposition. Your lesson in life is to learn how to use your powers responsibly.
You run the risk of occasionally pushing yourself harder than your body and mind can handle. You mean well, but in the heat of the moment you say and do things you later regret. You’re a lucky person, though, because Jupiter’s beneficial rays promise protection. Many fascinating opportunities are destined to come your way.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

An Old Mate Established Contact!

It was great to catch up with Ashish Rampal, an old school friend of mine today. We studied in Sanawar together for seven years & then in Naval Public School... We will be getting together soon!

Monday, 16 August 2010

Manic Mondays!

I had a very busy monday with meetings all day long. There are some good things happening and with some effort I am hopeful of taking Hitek to the next level. July was a record month with amazing figures.
I did spend some time recollecting my thoughts & thinking of Dad. I do sincerely hope & pray he improves & gets better. I'm hoping to meet him next month & willl spend some time with him hoping to be by his side if all goes well.
I will be concentrating on my work over the next few months as I come to terms with the challenges that life presents itself to me with & I've always taken it with a smile.
Kanika is a wonderful child  and will be 15 this year. This is one of the rare occasions that her grandparents will not be with her to celebrate her birthday. I will make up for their absence knowing well that they will be with her in spirit.
I've decided to fast this tuesday and this is for the auspicious day tuesday has been for me... Hope its goes well..
Quote of the day "Look at life through the windshield, not the rear-view mirror..............."
Love you Mum..xxxx

An Ode to a Soulmate!

The past few years have not been the best for my family & me. I would like to thank one special person who stood by me thru thick & thin as I was going thru the lowest ebbs in my life.
Going onward from what I said at Dad's 71st birthday, I will admit that Anjali has been a dear friend to me and been extremely helpful to me all through my Separation & Divorce. She brought a smile to my face and faced the wrath of my ex & her family and often had to put up with embarassing comments thrown at her as she's a woman, but she was always there for me.
There are people who have wrong notions about Anjali. I would like to clarify that Anjali is a wonderful woman, who is extremely caring & I sincerely appreciate whatever she did for my daughter, my family or me. She is an amazing Mum to her daughter & taught me how to be a better parent and I cannot thank her enough for that.
I would like to state that she's been the best friend I've ever had till date & I will always cherish the positive aspects of our relationship.
For those who maligned her I would like to say she's a wonderful selfless woman & deserves to be respected & I humbly apologise if I have conveyed anything to the contrary.
Anjali, breathe easy and relax coz you're special to my family & me thru thick & thin this is my promise to you. If we can ever be of any help please do let us know... We thank you from the bottom of our heart for all you did for each one of us..

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Dad's getting better!

I spoke with dad again and he seems to be improving. I hope & pray to the almighty that he gets back to normal soon.I cannot wait to be with him in a month's time.

A letter to me from my Team Member...

Hi Rajiv,

I love that so much, you took a great pic. A thought occurred to me that if I'm ever able to bring as much help, happiness, love, hope, positivity and warmth to people as you do, maybe I'll feel my existence is slightly justified. I'm truly blessed to have someone like you guide me every step of my way since and I pray to God to not ever take that for granted. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your inspiration. You open doors for others , and you say "I want you to be better than me" which I see as what you do to have more people serve humanity to their greater potential. You are not only an IT expert but a guardian angel and a humanitarian to say the LEAST. God bless you & I pray that myself and others who are blessed to be on the receiving end of your assistance to take the most out of it they possibly can to allow room for you to propel yourself to greater heights in your personal & professional life.


An astro cum name interpretation of moi given to me by a friend!

derived from Rajeev, of Hindu Origin meaning "A Blue Lotus"
He has a fearless attitude of a hero
For him health is the greatest wealth
He is quick to act
Saluted by his peers
One who keeps his PROMISES
A sincere individual
He lives for LOVE
Has lust for Life

Awwww... it was wonderful!

I spoke with Dad today and it was an absolute treat to be chatting with him. Sanjay called me in the wee hours of the morning to get me to speak with him. Thanks Sanjay & Wishing, praying & hoping he gets fitter, healthier & happier as time goes by...

Radio Interview on Australia's 2CH Radio

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Photography - My Hobby

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Fishing With Mates!

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The Week Gone By!

Had lots to do this week.. Training... Counselling... Didnt hit the gym as per my liking & had to skip a few visits. Work wise had lots to do. Migrated three client servers & thirty workstations with success! Nick seems to be learning.
Dad continues to show signs of improvement though he has a way to go..
A dear one continues to torment me but such is the irony of life! One day there surely will be realisation this is my belief..
Life is beautiful though despite all the hurdles & challenges thats for sure!
Off to my workshop for Seniors.
And another week goes by..

Monday, 9 August 2010

"Untruthfulness, rashness, guile, stupidity, avarice, uncleanliness and cruelty are a woman's seven natural flaws" - Chanakya

I'm reading this amazing book of Chanakya. Celebrated as a shrewd statesman and a ruthless administrator, he comes across as the greatest of diplomats of the world. He had the guts to speak his heart out even in front of the rulers, which shows his strong inclination to democratic values and the audacity to put his views through. Although, he lived around the third century BC, his ideas and principles show concurrence and validity in the present day world. Politics was his forte. Diplomacy in a politically charged environment shows his self-confidence and the ability to stay calm in trying situations.

I can relate very well to several aspects of this book. Sadly, I have been a victim of  Untruthfulness, Rashness, Guile, Avarice, Uncleanliness & Cruelty at the hands of a woman & I can & I will back my statement with proof which I will present when I get a chance to present my case to the Lord...

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Peaceful Sunday..

Had some plans but they didnt work out so ended up having lovely Kadhi Chaawal with Kusumji & Naresh. We had a couple of beers & lamb chops and enjoyed the company of their nephew, Munish (who's a cop), Samriti (Their lovely daughter who's a doctor) & later Abhi (a budding accountant).
We decided to help Nareshji cut down a tree in his back garden and  had a few rounds of chai whilst Kanika & the others watched Up (The Disney Movie).
Came back home & spoke with Mum & did some grocery shopping. Planned my diary for next week and sorted out the laundry..
Earlier in the morning, cooked some Chicken & Water chestnuts in curry alongwith some Mushroom Rice in butter sauce for Monday Dinner. Decided the weekly menu with Kanika, tidied the house with Kanika & ready to watch a flick from my collection of over 2500 movies now of all genres!
I hope Dad gets better as he's (& Mummy definitely) gonna be proud when he comes to Sydney this time for sure..  Here goes another week...

Saturday, 7 August 2010

A Relaxing Saturday...

Had a lovely brekkie with mates followed by some work at Robert Cliff Master Jewellers. I then went out and played some golf. Came back did the washing and took Kanika out for lunch to Frango's near my office. Kanika had her friends over home for the arvo. I watched the cricket match between India & Srilanka which India won. We went out to see Knight & Day with Anjali & Tiana in Gold Class at Castle Towers. I wasn't really hungry but we ate loads of food & had a few drinks. After the movie we came back to my place and had coffee and gossipped for a while.
Had a chat with Shalini, Sanjay & Mum to get an update about Dad...Mum has been spending a lot of time with Dad during these difficult moments and we all appreciate it & love you for that. Time to sleep now...zzzzzzzzzzzzz

A fabulous end to the week...

It was probably the best way this week could possibly come to an end! I got to speak with Dad.. He had his strong forceful voice that was reassuring & concerning. He spoke to me for five minutes. Yes Dad is getting better & stronger. All his tubes other than the feeding tubes have been removed and he's out of the Intensive Therapy Unit into another special ward.
Shalini did the best thing by calling me just as I stepped inside home after work to say 'Rajiv, here speak with Dad but pls be brief"
Dad was concerned about Sanjay & Me. He said Shalini & the hospital staff were taking great care of him. He said to me "Your Brother is a Big Consultant!" BTW We all know that Shalini too is a Big Consultant! He said Shalini's smile was enough to make him get better & was full of praise for Shalini which was so nice to hear!
He promised me that  he would be coming to Sydney probably next month. It was so satisfying to speak with him. I asked him if he wanted me by his side & he said, "no son I'll let you know should the need arise". The words of our communication echoed all thru the night as I slept peacefully.
I'm off to Brekkie now with my mates and then I need to setup a NAS Drive at Robert Cliff Master Jewellers.. Thats all for now... Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 5 August 2010

My Day...

I had another hard day.. Kanika came into my room at the last moment wanting her school uniform to be ironed! We got to school in the nick of time!
I tried to confront some issues personally but I guess I'm just not good enough to be understood and was sad at some events that unfolded but this is what life is all about... Challenges & Tests of one's virtues, character & strength..
Sanjay tells me that Dad is getting better and Mum seems a little anxious to see Dad's prolonged state of confusion but inwardly I know Dad will get better and will come out of this traumatic phase. Whilst I know Sanjay is ensuring Dad  gets the best possible treatment, I would like Mum to be patient and understanding of the situation at hand. It's easier said than done I know but thats probably the best option at present.
Training new staff can be time consuming and sap ones energy though I do enjoy being mentor as I have enjoyed doing that over the past 20 odd years and have learnt immensely thru my experiences.
I do remember whenever I would go upto dad and say that certain people were saying things he would often tell me to do what I believe is right & believe in the Gita. Today as I embark on my journey I follow the same principles and believe in this ancient Indian Epic..
Kanika had Basketball today & it was fun watching her play. She plays very well and is a pleasure to watch with her never say die spirit on the courts.
We came back and had dinner after which we watched  the India-Sri Lanka series which is very interestingly poised. Its friday tomorrow and week one of August somes to an end. I am looking forward to the weekend brekkie with Gareth, Damien, Luke, Robert, Danny, Peter & others.
I plan to get Anita to read my Tarot cards tommorow and follow it up with the Reader in Parklea Markets over the weekend to get an insight into the future...
Good Night..

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Dear Dad....

Dearest Dad,

I had another busy day. I had work in Gladesville & Leichhardt with a Lighting Company & a Child care respectively. I had made Keema Matar for the office staff as it was my day to cook with Rotis and they all enjoyed my cooking.Tomorrow I plan to make some Chicken Curry & Rice for my tiffin. I stayed back in the office til 830pm & had dinner at Naresh Uncle's place as he escorted me home.
I have picked another contract for the Lighting Company in Gladesville.
Mum & Sanjay told me that you are getting better & I am delighted with the news. Tomorrow I will go to the temple and pray to the almighty for your speedy recovery.
I would like to let you know that I love you & admire you for your courage & strength & the resolve that you showed to face the challenges that confronted you.
Miss you loads...
Lotsa Love,


Monday, 2 August 2010

Dear Dad..

Dearest Dad,
I had a hectic Monday! I revived a production-line failure on some critical computers at one of my corporate client's workplace. I remotely worked on a few servers and made a proposal for a new client from the Music industry. I also spent a few hours training my staff. 
As per your advice I am eating lunch everyday now. I went to the Gym in the evening and worked out my usual rowing, treadmill, swimming, circuit training & the grand finale of spa & steam! Remember we would do it together when you were here?
Nareshji & his entire family convey their best wishes to you. Anjali & Tiana came on Sunday to enquire about your welfare. Neeraj & Jacci too wish you a speedy recovery. Romal & Ashit convey their best wishes too..Shuchi & Sanjeev too send their best wishes to you.  Anjanish & Shefali (Capt Shekhar's elder son & Adm Puri's daughter) too convey their regards to you. All my mates in Australia join me in wishing you a speedy recovery & cant wait to see you back in Sydney.
Lots of Love,


Tuesdays are nostalgic!

Tuesday is a very auspicious day as per Hindu Mythology but for me tuesdays were always a special day when I had the time of my life! I always felt I was in a different world, cajoled & caressed in blissful heaven with angelic therapy and often while the tastebuds were treated to gastronomic flavours it was the heart that was the winner coz it got what it wanted though just for a few hours... Love is a state of mind characterised by contentment, satisfaction & tender caring. I worked towards making everyday a  Tuesday  but I lost my tuesdays in the process! Now I end up working weekends too! 
I cannot define what was so special about it but yes definitely the warm caress of the goddess like angel that brought freshness to my mind  & made me value life & work towards a smarter fitter me.
Today as Monday closes a near end I think of my tuesday with fond memories of the past. memories that will remain impregnated in my mind all thru my life.... Such is the irony of life!


Sunday, 1 August 2010

Dear Dad...

Dearest Dad,
I decided to go out for a drive this morning. Then came back home and went in to work. Finished a lot of pending work. Nareshji & Kusumji got to know that I was in the office and brought me home made dinner at 830pm and Nareshji fed me the delicious food made with lots of love. I am blessed to have such great friends. He's been insiting that I sleep at his place as I'm alone but I've been giving some excuse or the other.
In Nareshji, I have a great friend. Someone, who despite being 10 yrs older appreciates me for what I am and we enjoy each others company.
It's this kind of love that gives me the strength & self belief to pursue my search for excellence & to succeed in life without putting down others but solely on my strengths.
Simba comes looking for you each morning in your room. he's been relaxing under your bed since a few days and insists on wanting to sleep in my bedroom.
I did miss someone today to my heart's content but have decided to keep quiet about it. You know who it is dont you.. Shhhh ... Keep it to yourself.
Lots of Love


A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed!

The true test of friendship comes whenever you're in dire straits and need some moral support thats all! Its then that one realises how true the proverb in the title is and what it means. I'm privileged to have some wonderful friends who have shown their true support for my family & me.
A Big Thanks to all who were there for me..

A Very Powerful Chant...